Investment Selection Universes for

Increasing Retirement Income

One of the most challenging parts of income-focused investing is the research. CEF investors must constantly monitor market and interest-rate movements and study CEF price trends, distribution histories, and more. Equity CEFs contain the same major-company stocks you've owned in a 401(k) or as individual holdings. Income CEFs contain corporate debt, municipal bonds, real estate, mortgages, etc. It’s a lot to keep track of.

Researching all these angles is time-consuming and requires a high level of investment expertise. For experienced investors, CEF universe construction may be a one-and-done exercise, with monthly personal supervision and updating. Still a lot of time required.

The market is ever-changing. CEFs increase or cut distributions, announce special distributions, merge with others. As interest rates rise or market values fall, investment choices must evolve.

The Coach can send you Universe templates that you can alter and develop monthly, or you can subscribe to have all three universes (Taxable Income, Equity, & Tax Free Income) sent to you monthly as The Coach completes them.

Coaching clients may qualify for an ETF Selection Universe, just added recently to include some high yielding ETF "Funds of Funds" of several varieties.


Simplify the Closed End Fund Selection Process

"Retirement Money Secrets" explains the research and development process that goes into the creation of these CEF investment research tools. Periodically updated with distribution history and analytics, the universes are color-coded to indicate special distributions, increases, and reductions. Access to these valuable tools is complimentary with any coaching purchase.

Please take the time to describe what you are purchasing on the payment form, and any special pricing arrangements you may have made with The Coach. If you want to use another form of payment, please contact the coach directly: [email protected] or 843-243-0494 (not for text messages)

See below for pricing.

A view of the great wall from above.
A large room with many statues of men in the middle.

Equity, Taxable, & Tax Free Income

The equity and taxable income spreadsheets usually contain around 100 CEFs...they were yielding an average of over 10% in October of 2023. The average fund has been in operation for over 20 years and contains around 300 individual securities. Note that the average price of these diversified CEFs was less than $12.00 per share.  Not bad for shares of Apple, Amazon, Exxon, and the like. The tax-free bond CEF universe contained 40 funds yielding an average of just under 5%, over 20 years in operation, and holding more than 330 individual bonds.

These CEF selection universes give you the opportunity to:

  • Own pretty much any stock you can think of in managed portfolio packages costing an average of $15.00 per share.
  • Own huge portfolios of corporate, federal government, and municipal bonds yielding from nearly 5% tax-free to more than 10% taxable in a managed fund containing hundreds of individual bonds, with no markups, accrued interest, or other fees.
Selection universes are available for $95.00 each, or all three for $225.00.

You can subscribe for a year's worth of all three universes for $415.00 or just $11.50 each.

Please take the time to describe what you are purchasing on the payment form, and any special pricing arrangements you may have made with The Coach. If you want to use another form of payment, please contact the coach directly: [email protected] or 843-243-0494 (not for text messages)


Neither The Retirement Income Coach LLC nor Steve Selengut are professional investment advisors. Coaching falls short of the actual decision making that goes into investment management. Coaching clients alone are responsible for that level of decision making.