About Steve Selengut, the Retirement

Income Coach

A man standing in the grass near some water.

Hi, I’m Steve Selengut–and that shot on the left is of me on a recent trip to Ireland. These days, I spend more of my time traveling the world with my wonderful wife, Sandie. Egypt and South Africa were our two latest adventures. We’re also able to live near the Kiawah golf resort near Charleston, SC.

How do we afford this lifestyle? Well, building retirement income has been the focus of my whole career. I spent over 50 years as a private investment portfolio manager, including 44 years managing up to 300 different client portfolios at a time. I sold my investment management business in 2023 with over $100 million under management.

Throughout my career, I created high-income portfolios for my clients and myself using a little-known but powerful income vehicle: the Closed End Fund,  hunndreds of them!  As a result, our  portfolios grew in both income production and working capital every quarter, every year.

I'n not funding my retirement lifestyle by slowly selling off 4% of my market value each year. Instead, my portfolio generates plenty of cash for us to live on, leaving all the working capital (principal) intact.

Seeing so many retirees scraping by–or worse, having to slowly liquidate a lifetime’s worth of investments to cover basic expences, drives me crazy. I wrote Retirement Money Secrets to help more investors understand how the markets really work, and to take advantage of their constant volatility.

Personalized Approach

Unlike many top-selling investment book authors, I have hands-on experience managing other people's money, offering a unique, personalized approach tailored to your individual needs and goals. I am here to familiarize you with income focused investing techniques that I have used successfully for many years.

If you were to ask  a financial pro about the spendable income produced by your portfolio, she or he would probaly start to talk about returns and market values... neither of which can be spent. In  Retirement Money Secrets, you learned to think in terms of realized income. 

I can help you train your trusted advisors so that they will get you the income you should be producing from your portfolio. That's my purpose in coaching, that's what I want to give to as many people as I can touch. More spending monety from their portfolios without ever dipping into principal.

A tall tower with many steps and a sky background
A lake with mountains in the background and trees

Retirement Money Secrets

I wrote Retirement Money Secrets to change your investment focus to one that emphasizes income production and to show you how I routinely generated more spending money for my clients than they needed, year after year. For decades, I was able to reinvest most of that income to consistantly grow both income production and total working capital. There are samples in the book and links to people you can chat with about the process and its potential.

The Six-Principle Retirement Money Road in "Secrets"

You can achieve financial independence sooner and more safely than you are able to with other strategies, apps, technologies, etc. And you will be doing it while owning all the dividend stars and market heroes that you hear so much about. But you will be using packages of securities, stocks and bonds, that in 2023, were paying out nearly 10% of in-your-pocket income. I will teach you the process and lead you step by step down a six-principle road to income independence. How does 9% tax-free from your ROTH IRA sound?

How much money would stock shareholders receive if companies were required to pay them even 50% of their realized earnings? The securities you'll learn about are pass-through trusts that must pay out 95% of their realized earnings! No joke. And these are not new kids on the block. They have been around decades longer than Mutual Funds and more than a century longer than ETFs.

The approach you will learn will put you in a position to say with the utmost confidence: "Neither a stock market correction nor rising interest rates, not even a pandemic, will have a negative impact on my portfolio income. In fact, any of these conditions will present me with opportunities to grow my income even faster."

In my experience, the typical investment portfolio produces less than 3% income. I'll show you how to transition to a more income-productive environment. The approach you will read about in: "Retirement Money Secrets: A Financial Insider's Guide to Income Independence" will teach you how to produce a growing income in all market environments.  

There are two questions you need to ask your financial advisor:

           How much income, as a percent, is my portfolio producing?

           Are you interested in learning how to make that number at  least 7% and most often much higher?

Three older men sitting at a table playing cards.

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